bodacious New you group coaching program!


As a Black woman over 50, you know that you are a force to be reckoned with, right? But do you ever feel like you need to reinvent yourself and regret-proof your life? Then it's time to become a Bodacious New YOU!

Wouldn't life be more bodacious if you were:

  • Getting more clear on why you're here (your mission statement)
  • Giving yourself permission to "do you"
  • Falling back in love with your life
  • Becoming your own rescue
  • Kicking Your Comfort Zone to the Curb
  • Getting back to alignment with who you REALLY are (Self-care check in)
  • Stop settling and start stepping into your power
  • Experiencing more joy and pleasure
  •  Beginning to live your life by DESIGN not DEFAULT

If so, friend,
Let's take a journey to the next level YOU...


This 6 week Bodacious New You Group Coaching Program is my gift to you! While it is low cost, it is highly valuable and will help you gain the momentum needed to jumpstart the journey to your next best life! 

I want to show you the power of reinvention! "If not now, WHEN?" I believe in your infinite potential and your capacity to redefine your life, no matter your age. Let go of the notion that you're too old to dream big, to chase your passions, and to step into a brighter, more fulfilling chapter of your life.

 With my support and other like-minded Sistars in the group, you will be able to discover your inner strength, unearth some hidden talents and get on the path to regret-proofing your life. The future is yours for the taking and I am here to walk this incredible path with you. 

For 6 weeks, we will "do the work." That is the only way that you can shift your mindset so that you can build a future filled with possibility, confidence and fulfillment. No more settling. No more going along to get along. No Ma'am! It's your time to shine and I can't wait to light the way!  


Never forget that you have the power to create the life you desire and deserve and no one can stop you but you!

The time is NOW!

You have the power to reignite your zest for life, cultivate your dreams and pursue new horizons. Let's create the momentum together that you will need to glide into the new year with courage and determination. 

You are enough and always have been. Your wings have arrived.

All you have to do is spread them and fly, baby fly!

Here's what's inside the Bodacious New You Group Coaching Program :



What happened to your dreams? You know, the ones that you put on the backburner. Learn how to dust them off, polish them up and breathe life back into them.  Don't pull the plug on your dreams! Remember that dreams don’t have expiration dates.


A journaling exercise designed to allow you to reflect on your accomplishments and lessons learned during 2023 and set up a dynamic game plan for 2024.

My 6 Favorite Mature Life Youtube Videos

Get inspired by mature women of substance and style showing that age ain’t nothing but a number! Sometimes we just need to be reminded of just how awesome we truly are!!

My personal mission Statement

It is so important that you take the time to identify what your standards are and tap into your purpose. This lesson will help you get clarity on what your personal mission is and how this can help you level up your life!

power of letting go

Learn how to let go with grace and ease. When we hold on to the past, it holds on to us! Create a life full of joy, freedom and peace of mind when you release the negative thought patterns and past hurts that you can't even do anything about. Why waste precious time thinking about what you can't change?

self-care quiz

This quiz will allow you to see the gaps in your self-care regimen. Or do you even have one? Not to worry. This quiz will get you together. Trust and believe that as Black women, we really need  to be tapped into the Soft Girl Era. Being a Strong Black Woman is literally killing us.

self-care check-in & needs review

It makes it so much easier to address your self-care needs once you do an assessment. Use this as your opportunity to make the changes that you need to live a more harmonious life.

Are you sitting (too) Comfortably?

Our comfort zone can also be the danger zone or even the dead zone!! Let’s do a deep dive into what changes you can make to up level your life and become the person you were born to be. Don't let the comfort zone rob you of your dreams, desires and destiny!!

the power of "No"

No is not a bad word. It is the most freeing word in the universe. Don't be afraid to speak your truth and bask in the glow of NO! Learn how to say No without guilt or apology!

So if you are ready to step into the new year with clarity, courage and confidence, Bodacious New You Group Coaching Program is just what you need. It is packed full of mindset mojo that will allow you to to reclaim your flame and embrace your authentic self. That voice telling you that you can't? It's time to silence it once and for all...

Copyright © 2024 | Linda S. Husser